
For the full list, refer to my Google Scholar.


  1. WACV
    Elucidating optimal reward-diversity tradeoffs in text-to-image diffusion models
    Jena, R., Taghibakhshi, A., Jain, S., Shen, G., Tajbakhsh, N., and Vahdat, A.
    Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2025
    Work done at NVIDIA


  1. FireANTs: Adaptive Riemannian Optimization for Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Registration
    Jena, R., Chaudhari, P., and Gee, J.
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.01249 2024
    Brainchild of Rohit’s thesis
  2. NeurIPS
    Deep Learning in Medical Image Registration: Magic or Mirage?
    Jena, R., Sethi, D., Chaudhari, P., and Gee, J.
    Neural Information Processing Systems 2024


  1. Splatarmor: Articulated gaussian splatting for animatable humans from monocular rgb videos
    Jena, R., Iyer, G., Choudhary, S., Smith, B., Chaudhari, P., and Gee, J.
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10812 2023
    Work done at Amazon Lab 126
  2. CVPR
    Beyond mAP: Towards better evaluation of instance segmentation
    Jena, R., Zhornyak, L., Doiphode, N., Chaudhari, P., Buch, V., Gee, J., and Shi, J.
    Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023
    Highlight paper
    Acceptance rate ∼2.5% of all papers, 10% of accepted papers
  3. arXiv
    Mesh Strikes Back: Fast and Efficient Human Reconstruction from RGB videos
    Jena, R., Chaudhari, P., Gee, J., Iyer, G., Choudhary, S., and Smith, B.
    arXiv 2023


    Self-Supervised Vessel Enhancement Using Flow-Based Consistencies
    Jena, R., Singla, S., and Batmanghelich, K.
    Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2021
    MICCAI Student Travel Award
    Early accept, acceptance rate ~ 13%
  2. RO-MAN
    Transfer Learning for Human Navigation and Triage Strategies Prediction in a Simulated Urban Search and Rescue Task
    Guo, Y., Jena, R., Hughes, D., Lewis, M., and Sycara, K.
    IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication 2021


  1. CoRL
    Augmenting GAIL with BC for sample efficient imitation learning
    Jena, R., Liu, C., and Sycara, K.
    Conference on Robot Learning 2020
  2. ICPR
    Learning Image Inpainting from Incomplete Images using Self-Supervision
    Yenamandra, S., Khurana, A., Jena, R., and Awate, S.
    In 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2020
  3. VL3@CVPRW
    MA3: Model Agnostic Adversarial Augmentation for Few Shot learning
    Jena, R., Halder, S., and Sycara, K.
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2020
    Oral Presentation, Best Paper Award


  1. IPMI
    A bayesian neural net to segment images with uncertainty estimates and good calibration
    Jena, R., and Awate, S.
    In International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging 2019
    Oral talk, opening talk of conference, acceptance rate ~ 11%
  2. MedIA
    Estimating uncertainty in MRF-based image segmentation: A perfect-MCMC approach
    Awate, S., Garg, S., and Jena, R.
    Medical image analysis 2019